Monday, November 2, 2009

Problem: OWC On-The-Go Pro

About a month ago I purchased the OWC Mercury on the Go 320GB Hard Drive and I am now using it for my business file storage. I have all the tutorials that I make, Project files that include InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop files along with my Lightroom catalog and my website files and resources.

My initial reaction was that it looks cool and modern but it created a problem when restarting my computer. The first time that I had noticed the problem was when I was installing some updates. Software updater wanted to restart so I said ok and the installation process began as it shut down.

When the computer restarted it took 8x as long after the chime to display the Apple Logo, about 60-90 seconds. I originally thought that it was a fluke and that it would not happen again, but it did! So I shut it down and turned off the OWC Drive and then started the Mac back up. took the normal amount of time. The drive being hooked up to the computer was causing the computer to take longer to reboot.

I have 4 other external Western Digital Studio and Studio II drives and have had no problems with them. Is this just a fluke in the drive or is it a normal thing with OWC drives. If any one can help, please leave a comment.