Sunday, October 11, 2009

PhotoshopWorld Aftermath and Thoughts

This years PhotoshopWorld was pretty good but I still would like to have more advanced classes.

The Classes I took

Here are some of the class I took the year.


Graphic Secrets: Totally Text

This class is similar to Scott Kelby’s Typography class that was held last year. The difference is this class focus more on styling text in Photoshop

Work Faster with Smart Objects.

This class was ok, it is pretty self explanatory. Dave also talks about layer comps and some layer styles. This class is for people who want to use templates in Photoshop.

The Lazarus Effect: Raising the Dead Pixel

This class was ok, nothing special. it talked about how to recover images that might be to blury or color is bad.


Fix It in Photoshop

THis class is similar to the one above.

Top 10 things you should know is Photoshop

This class I took because I was with my sister-in-law, who is a beginner in Photoshop. RC did a good job of presenting and the the items he presented were really useful.

Concert Photography From Capture To Client

By Far the best organized instructor. This class was really cool. it talked about how to get approval to shoot at a concert and how the procedure works at the concert/ A GREAT Class

Tips for the Working Photographer

This class is smilar to Joe’s book, The Moment it Clicks. Joe is a really good instructor because he has real world experience with working with magazines such as National Geographic and Sports Illustrated.

There are No Bad Originals 1 and 2

This class is not for beginners. It is about using channels to cut our and enhance images. By usong the Apply Image command you can give your pictures a better look.


Drawing with light.

This class was not too special. I expected more demos with models and poepla not landscapes.

Flashing for Fun & Profit

This class was a cool class. David has some great ideas that are great for on location shoots.

The Closing Ceremonies

This was ok, but lets do more videos and less chit chat.

Travel Home

On Sunday Morning I checked out of the Mandalay Bay and returned the Rent a Car and prceeded to the airport to fly home.

Overall Experience

PhotoshopWorld is a good conference for pople wh are jut getting started in Photoshop. but for more advanced Photoshop than I would not attend. I may not go next year.

I have posted a gallery of all of the images that i took here.

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