Tuesday, September 29, 2009

PhotoshopWorld Day One

I am here in Vegas and am excited to go to my pre-con tomorrow. Here is what took place today.

Flight from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas.

Our Delta flight left this morning at 11 am. the best part of the flight what the in-flight entertainment. Our aircraft was a Boeing 737-800 and had a little TV on the chair in front of me.
I will NEVER fly in any other aircraft if I can help it. The Flight was pretty smooth, and only lasted about a hour.

Arrival In Vegas

After we arrived In Vegas we went to our baggage claim and waited for, what seemed to be forever, before our bag came and then took a rent-a-car shuttle to the McCarran Rent-A-Car Center.

After getting the car, we drove to the Town Square Apple Store. After browsing through the isles and looking at the new iPod Touch, I remembered that my earbuds where starting to fall apart. I went back to the car and got the earbuds and brought them in to and Apple Rep. and she gave me a brand new set of earbuds. the cost: 0, Zero, Goose egg, nada, etc. aka FREE!!! That is what I call great Customer Service.


If you have read my previous post regarding what to do for food in Vegas, if not than read it here. After the Apple Store we went to Wal-Mart and purchased stuff for Breakfast, Lunch and same Dinners. This is what I do to spend less in Vegas.

The Hotel Check-in

After giving the car to the valet, went to the registration desk and checked-in and got our room assignment. At this point it was about 3pm, 3 hours after we picked up our baggage in the airport terminal. We were so exhausted.

The rest of the day, we just relaxed and litsened to an audiobook. And now it is 11pm and I am off to bed

See you tomorrow!

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