Friday, September 4, 2009

Snow Leopard: The Aftermath!

OK, I will admit that I should not have upgraded to Snow Leopard so quickly, but in my defense I ordered the at 7am on Monday morning. I was Tired.

Ok, here is what I have done to upgraded to Snow Leopard and why I am downgrading to leopard.

First Install
When I first installed Snow Leopard on Friday night I didi a direct install over leopard. and did not wipe the Hard Drive.

For the most part the installation was a little faster and was great beacause it restarted after the installation was complete. so when I came back to my computer it was already booted in to Snow Leopard.

the problems
Photoshop kept crashing whenever I saved a document, be it a PSD or and JPG. and it would crash if it was just sitting there.

That was the biggest headache that I ran into and that is not a small thing to Graphic Designer like me.

The Second Install
OK, so I made the decision to reinstall Snow Leopard doing an erase and install.

The trick is to find the Utilities menu and go to Disk Utility. When I did the first install I could not find the Utilities menu to save my life.

When doing this install I found the Utilities menu and opened Disk Utility and erased the Macintosh HD. I was very surprised to find that it took five minutes to erase a 500gb disk.

the problems
After the install finished I noticed the screen is really pixelated and the fonts are very choppy. it is almost like the display is displaying a 1300x1000 resolution image in a 1920x1200 resolution image. It is really pixelated.

Anyway, I think I might have lost a font in the translation when clearing the disk.

So now I am going to downgrade to leopard and hopefully Apple will release a update and I might upgrade then.

Too all who are using Snow Leopard I hope you have had a better luck than I have.

There is just not that many features that make a difference in my work flow.

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