Thursday, August 20, 2009

More Rumors for the Apple September Event

Ok now there are reports the Apple could be releasing more new
products at the upcoming September event to be held on the 8th.

There are some reports saying that Apple could be updating the Apple TV to include some DVR capabilities and to be able to have iTunes live streaming much similar to Netflix's Watch Instantly Feature.

Another report is saying that the release on Mac OSX 10.6 could happen as early as August 29 which has been rumored for the last few days. Also, a few images and YouTube videos have been posted showing off the new look of the Snow Leopard Installer (see below).

As I am writing this I saw a post on MacRumors is reporting that the UK Apple online store has put a ship date on the Leopard Up-To-Date program.

Also reports came in the Snow Leopard Mac box set has also briefly appeared in the Online Store. The set bundles Mac OS X with iLife '09 and iWork '09 of only $169. This box set is the only way to upgrade to Snow Leopard for users who currently don't have 10.5 Leopard. (Right Image from Gear Live)

Here is a Video showing the new Installer for 10.6

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