Saturday, August 29, 2009

Snow Leopard: My thoughts!

This week Apple shipped the new version of Mac OS X, dubbed Snow Leopard. This new version has not so much new features, but refinements under the hood.

Here are my thoughts about Snow Leopard.

The Finder.
You might notice a tiny difference in the look of the Finder. The fonts listing the files are in a bold front. the Finder is also a 64 bit app.

System Preferences
The Snow Leopard System Preferences have changed a bit. The former International pane has changed to include text correction, much like autoCorrect in Word or Pages.

System Preferences has also been recoded to be a 64bit app. But if third-parth apps are still in 32bit mode, System Preferences will ask to restart in 32bit mode. that is very annoying, because I still have some panes in 32bit mode, like flip4mac, Version Cue CS4, SnnekPeekPro, and Wacom Tablet.

The dock looks the exact same as it did in Leopard, but when you minimize a window it is suppose to minimize to the app's icon. None of my apps do that. I have tried Finder, Photoshop, Safari and others and it doesn't work.

Time Machine
My original Time machine backup took a little less than it did in Leopard.

For the most part my upgrade to Snow Leopard has been pretty good. When the computer restarted after the original installation it took 5 min to start up. that was the longest 5 minutes in my life. Safari has crashed on me once but othern than those two bugs, all is good.

I have not installed Snow Leopard on my laptop yet but plan to do so.

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