Saturday, August 22, 2009

PhotoshopWorld Info - Part 2: The Tech Expo

The Tech Expo

Tech Expo Exhibit Floor
Most computer related conferences have a big expo and small break-out classes. Well PSW is the the opposite. PhotoshopWorld has over 100+ classes but is also has a Tech Expo.

Browse the latest hardware, software, cameras, printers, and more from the biggest names in the business for three innovation-filled days. The Expo Exhibit Hall is where you'll get face-to-face with the industry's leading developers to check out all of the latest plug-ins, digital cameras, scanners, printers, peripherals, imaging software, hardware, storage devices, and transport cases.
  • Adobe
  • Artistic Photo Canvas
  • Bogen Imaging
  • Clipping Factory
  • Corel
  • Epson
  • Western Digital
  • Peachpit Press
  • Graphic Authority
  • GridIron Software
  • Hoodman Corporation
  • OnOne Software
  • Kelby Training
  • LAYERS Magazine
  • and MUCH More!
Here is a video featuring the Expo from the PSW website

The NAPP Help Desk LIVE!

Help Desk Live
Throughout the conference you can get all of your questions answered at the NAPP Help Desk. Help Desk Live is open all three days during Expo hours, and is located close to the classrooms so you can just walk up and have your questions answered in an informal setting.

Bonus Classes

Photoshop World is unique beacause the training doesn't end in the classroom - there are also two theater-style classrooms right on the show floor. These bonus sessions real, in-depth training sessions by top professionals. These "Bonus Sessions" are important because they are held by the companies that professionals use every day.

FREE Expo Pass

If you are coming to PSW with your spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, etc. than you might sign them up for the FREE Expo Pass. The pass will allow them explore the Expo and see all the exhibits. Note: They will not be allowed to attend any PSW class session outside the Expo Center.

For More Information visit the Official PSW website

NOTE: The images and the video are from the PhotoshopWorld website

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