Thursday, August 20, 2009

PhotoshopWorld Info - Part 1: Classes and more

Recently on my blog I announce a new series of blog post that will give some info about what I do to get ready PhotoshopWorld. Well on to my second series.

For this series I want to give new people who are thinking about going to PSW some good information.

The PSW Class Schedule

The PSW class schedule is a complete list of what classes will be offered when. The classes are organized in Track sessions such as, Photoshop, Lightroom, Digital Photogrpahy and more.
Each class that is listed in that track is relating to the theme of the track see an example above

Optional Pre-Conference Workshops

Pre-conference workshops are a great way to kick-start your Photoshop World experience. These special workshops are only open to registered attendees of Photoshop World and require a separate fee at registration.
Some of the PreCon topics include
  • The Latest in LAB
  • Shooting for Photoshop
  • Shoot, Design, Print: Create a Movie Poster From Start to Finish
  • Real World Concert Photography
  • Photoshop Channels & Masks
  • On Location Wedding Photo Shoot
  • Canon Live Studio
  • NAPP Photo Safari
The WorkBook

When I first went to my first PSW I was suppressed at how much stuff that get when I registered. I got a Badge carrier, a Show brochure and the best item of all was the workbook. This workbook had all the notes from most of the class session that were offered. the notes included screenshots and other graphics so you could get the most out of your experience.

PSW Alumni

If you have attended a PSW before then you are eligible for $50 off your registration. The alumni registration also gets you a sticker on your badge saying that you are a previous PSW Attendee.

For More Information visit the Official PSW website

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